Featured Criminals

Who Are They?

You might be already asking yourself - "what is this project all about?"

The short answer - this project is about you and your decisions which might lead to an adventure with a passive income reward.

The more extended version - You will participate in a project with the most unique designs and butterfly effect storytelling.

We are enormously proud of our Designers and Creative Department, who worked insane hours to create extremely unique attributes and traits.

Additionally, our Development Team modified and tested the code for weeks to develop the best possible and the fairest Mugshot Millennium Criminal composition. You can visually guess the rarity of a Mugshot Millennium Criminal!

To completely overdeliver to our community, each 7,777 Mugshot Millennium Criminals had to be certified with a 3-Step Quality Check stamp.

The world of Mugshot Millennium has 7 Warlords, who are ready to share their loot with you. You can expect the unexpected when it comes down to the storyline and the progression. And each progression milestone will unlock unique utilities and get you closer to passive income.

Don't miss out on the adventure of the Millennium - join our community today.

The Roadmap

Escape Phase #1 (Pre-Mint)

  • Spreading The Word of The Outbreak...The World Needs To Know!
  • Leveraging Partnerships Between Projects & Influencers.
  • Releasing Exclusive Discord Community.
  • Organizing Giveaways & Interactive Community Challenges.
  • Reserving 250 Mugshot Millennium NFTs For Marketing.
  • Organizing 300 Whitelist Spots.
  • Revealing Mint Date: TBA

Escape Phase #2 (Mint)

  • Unlock Warlords With Enormous Power As The Mint Progresses...
  • 1 ETH Giveaway For Every 10% Sold!
  • At 70% Sold We Will Add 10 ETH To Sweep Floor.
  • Limited Mints Per Wallet - 4 / Wallet For Maximum Density
  • Access To Whale Wallet Tracking System - The Community Will Decide Which Wallets Will Be Tracked And Receive Instant Transaction Notifications

Escape Phase #3 (Reveal)

  • To Be Announced...

Escape Phase #4 (Quest)

  • To Be Announced...

Frequently Asked Questions

Mugshot Millennium is an NFT collection consisting of 7,777 generative, but extremely unique-looking art pieces of criminals of the next millennium. Owning a Mugshot Millennium Criminal is your ticket to participate in the biggest adventure of this millennium.

This adventure will not only include a community-based butterfly effect storyline but many real-life and virtual utilities. And on top of that, you will be able to create a completely passive income, because the 7 Warlords are very generous with their loot.

You will be able to mint Mugshot Millennium Criminals only on our official website https://mugshotmillennium.com. The mint date will be revealed on our Discord on the 7th of December 2021 and you will find a countdown here on the website. But no worries, if you miss out you’ll be able to purchase the Mugshot Millennium Criminals on OpenSea.

Each Mugshot Millennium Prisoner will be minted at TBA ETH + Gas and be limited to 4 per wallet for strong community building aspects.

We are enormously proud of our Designers and Creative Department, who worked insane hours to create extremely unique attributes and traits (8 categories & over 150 completely different characteristics.)

Additionally, our Development Team modified and tested the code for weeks to develop the best possible and the fairest Mugshot Millennium Criminal composition. You can visually guess the rarity of a Mugshot Millennium Criminal!

To completely overdeliver to our community, each 7,777 Mugshot Millennium Criminals had to be certified with a 3-Step Quality Check stamp.

You will take part in a project with the most unique designs and butterfly effect storytelling. Don’t miss this adventure.

We’ve built Mugshot Millenium on ERC-721 token on the Ethereum Blockchain. The files are hosted on IPFS.

Yes, 250 will be withheld from the initial Mint. These 250 NFTs will be used for marketing and giveaways.

Each Mugshot Millennium Criminal will be revealed shortly after the initial Mint day. The exact Reveal date & time will be announced on Discord.

We know that the reveal is very special for all of us. Therefore we have unique and crazy ideas prepared for the reveal. The reveal will get the whole community closer together, and we commit to this promise.